day to day rambling...

Real and not always exciting adventures in life.

Location: Maryland
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Thursday, October 06, 2005

Time goes by...

I have had a half written post for several weeks, but never managed to finish it. So now that time has moved on, I have to start over.

September was a really busy month. First we had Sophia's 2nd birthday party, which was a great deal of fun. I have to say that she has some of the nicest little friends. We had a moon bounce and it was fun watching all the kids play (it was even more fun watching her father and godfather making asses of themselves after the kids all left for the day). After seeing how nice Sophia was treated by all of her friends and relatives, I know that she and we are truly blessed.

We also went to the Maryland Wine Festival, which for me is a must every year (except for two years ago when I was in labor with Sophia). It was a really beautiful day. We saw some people that we get to see each year (KH, Otter, and Hippy) which is always a plus and makes the time and the wine even better.

Now that October is here I am so swamped with crap and even though I don't work, it seems like I do. In the midst of everything, I will have to go through Sophia's room and get ready to move her out of her crib. It is another one of those things that just makes me realize that she is no longer a baby. The thought of putting her crib and changing table into storage makes me feel like crying. I hate to be such a whiner about it, but it not only makes me think of her getting older, but also myself (getting old freaks me out). Since she was born the time seems to move faster and faster and in some ways it makes things seem like they are out of control. I hate that feeling. I am not a control freak or anything, but I just want time to stand still just for a bit longer, so that I can enjoy this last little bit of Sophia's babyhood with her. I know that not too many years down the road she will no longer want to play with Mommy and will rush out the door to be with her friends. I am sure that every mom has felt this way at one time or another.

It seems like the whole world is in a rush. I have already seen Christmas items being pushed at the local Walmart. Damn it, I just get over Sophia's birthday and now I have to get ready for Christmas and it isn't even Halloween yet.

Speaking of Halloween, Sophia is going to be Minnie Mouse. This will be the first year that she will be able to say "Trick or Treat" by herself. It will be interesting to see if she actually does. Hopefully, I can post some pictures of Sophia in her costume (even though I still owe pictures from Sophia's birthday).

I am sorry for the long time between posts. I sometimes am too tired to post and sometimes just too lazy. Hopefully, I can get back in the swing of things. No promises though!!!

Have a wonderful evening...


Blogger Ms. Amanda Tate said...

There is a beautiful book by Alan Lightman called Einstein's Dreams. I have given it as gifts over the years because it is remarkable in its ingenuity and so amazingly touching.

In the novel, Einstein is writing his theory of relativity and having coffee with a friend during the process. He is also having astonishing dreams about time, the quality of time, and the way it influences our existences. The book is interspersed with diary entries about his dreams.

I wish I could find the book --- I must have given it away again --- because I would transcribe one dream about time moving very slowly at the center of a great circle. And the people who want to remain at the center of the circle are lovers who wish to prolong the inevitable falling out of love and parents who yearn for their children to grow older slower.

It's so unbelievably moving. Your post immediately reminded me of it.

12:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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4:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I finally sympathize in a real sense with you as a parent. Gabriel is 11 weeks old today. I realized this morning that we should have a video camera for the coming months before it is too late. He spent several minutes just talking in his cute little gibberish and I think that we need to capture some of that for later.

As for preparing for Christmas, I don't think you need to worry. Christmas will arrive whether you buy a bunch of crap or not. The true meaning, if a non-believer may be so bold, has nothing to do with the crap at Wal-mart. Of couse you know that.

Happy Halloween!


4:53 PM  

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