day to day rambling...

Real and not always exciting adventures in life.

Location: Maryland
Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 4th Birthday Ticker

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Poor baby...

Nicholas turned one yesterday. The good news is that he really started walking yesterday and now he walks at least 50% of the time not holding on. So I guess that was his birthday present to himself. The bad news is that he and I were both sick with some kind of stomach virus. Thankfully, it only lasted one day. I really felt like I was dying yesterday.

My son's (and daughter's) Godmother felt so bad that she brought us Chinese carry-out, a cake and party hats, napkins and plates (Shrek) so that we could celebrate. We had planned on going out to dinner, but I was just way too sick.

We are having his birthday party on Saturday. It will be a small affair with his Great-Grandfather, his Grandparents, Godparents, and a few of our neighbors. The party will have a fire engine theme, with lots of balloons. I think he will love the bright colors. I am looking forward to it, but I hope that my stomach will be 100% by then right now it is at about 75%.

So anyway that is what we have been up to. We had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Sophia and her cousin Sarah had a blast together. My father-in-law has made a train garden for the kids. It is so fun to watch Sophia playing engineer. She does pretty good at controlling the five train lines.

I will make sure to share pictures of Nicholas' big day!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

This is long overdue...

So here are the kids (and our jack-o-lanterns) on Halloween night. This is the first year that Sophia picked her own costume and well as for "Little Elvis" I could not resist.
A week from today is Nicholas' first birthday so we are in full party planning mode.
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, I hope that you, your friends and family all have a wonderful holiday.
Take care!